Committee of Management
Arrabri Kindergarten is an Incorporated Assocation, a not-for-profit entity which runs much like a community sporting club. Being a not-for-profit, every cent we receive in government funding, grants, fees or fundraising, goes towards the education of our children.
The members of the Association are all our parents, and each year 10-16 of them volunteer to form the Committee of Management. This governing body (analogous to a corporation's board) is ultimately responsible for running the kinder, with the assistance of the staff. The Committee meets once a month to discuss and make decisions on any matters related to the running of the kindergarten. This structure gives parents a unique opportunity to influence and shape the kindergarten.
The 2024 committee executive comprises:
President: Scott Manton
Vice-President: Robyn Bennett
Secretary: Lauren Fraser
Treasurer: Shantini Ghanasan